At the end of 2022, West Springfield Boys & Girls Club closed its doors for a week to allow for construction to begin on our next phase of renovations. Now, in 2023, we are excited to see them beginning to come together! What will soon be the new “Little Futures” Preschool space has been fully gutted, hazardous materials removed, and some damaged masonry is being repaired. The next order of business will be to update HVAC and electrical systems, before reinstalling walls, door frames, and ceilings. The new preschool should be ready for occupation by the end of April, and will offer two new classroom spaces, designed with the diverse learning needs of our kiddos in mind.

In addition to the new preschool spaces, we are updating several program spaces, including a game room, a new breakout program room, and a new teen room. Demolition and repairs to the interior of these areas has already begun, and we expect that it will be finished around the end of May. These renovations have come together after much hard work on the part of our staff and Board, from discovering what updates would best serve our members and their community to bringing together all the logistics needed to make them happen. These renovations and repairs showcase our vision for the future of the Club, and we are so excited to share their results!

Not only will these renovations, once complete, create more opportunities for our members to participate in fun and engaging programs and enjoy a healthier, more accessible, and more environmentally friendly Club, but they will increase the capacity of both our Before & After School programs and our “Little Futures” Preschool. We can’t wait to welcome more members to these new spaces! While we’re waiting for May, you can check out some pictures of the in-process spaces (pardon our mess!) and renderings of what the new preschool and game room will look like below.